Accepted Papers

ID Paper
1 The Role of Local Alignment and Uniformity in Image-Text Contrastive Learning on Medical Images
Philip Müller, Georgios Kaissis, Daniel Rueckert
3 Loss Landscape of Self-Supervised Learning
Liu Ziyin, Ekdeep Singh Lubana, Masahito Ueda, Hidenori Tanaka
4 Self-Supervised Pre-training with Transformers for Object Detection
Guoqiang Jin, Fan Yang, Mingshan Sun, Yakun Liu, Wei Li, Tianpeng Bao, Rui Zhao, Liwei Wu
6 Local Pseudo-Attributes for Long-Tailed Recognition
Dong-Jin Kim, Tsung-Wei Ke, Stella X. Yu
7 Simplicial Embeddings in Self-Supervised Learning and Downstream Classification
Samuel Lavoie, Christos Tsirigotis, Max Schwarzer, Ankit Vani, Michael Noukhovitch, Kenji Kawaguchi, Aaron Courville
8 Contrastive Learning for Multi-Label Classification
Vladimir Zaigrajew, Maciej Zieba
9 Matryoshka Representation Learning
Aniket Rege, Aditya Kusupati, Gantavya Bhatt, Matthew Wallingford, Aditya Sinha, Vivek Ramanujan, William Howard-Snyder, Kaifeng Chen, Sham M. Kakade, Prateek Jain, Ali Farhadi
10 Where Should I Spend My FLOPS? Efficiency Evaluations of Visual Pre-training Methods
Skanda Koppula, Yazhe Li, Evan Shelhamer, Andrew Jaegle, Nikhil Parthasarathy, Relja Arandjelovic, Joao Carreira, Olivier J Henaff
11 Improving Dense Contrastive Learning with Dense Negative Pairs
Berk Iskender, Zhenlin Xu, Simon Kornblith, En-Hung Chu, Maryam Khademi
12 Region Proposal Network Pre-Training Helps Label-Efficient Object Detection
Linus Ericsson, Nanqing Dong, Yongxin Yang, Ales Leonardis, Steven McDonagh
13 Super-Resolution through StyleGAN Regularized Latent Search
Marzieh Gheisari, Auguste Genovesio
14 Rethinking Benchmarking Framework of Self-Supervised Learning Approaches for Anomaly Localization
Tryambak Gangopadhyay, Sungmin Hong, Sujoy Roy, Yash Shah, Lin Lee Cheong
15 OmniMAE: Single Model Masked Pretraining on Images and Videos
Rohit Girdhar, Alaaeldin El-Nouby, Mannat Singh, Kalyan Vasudev Alwala, Armand Joulin, Ishan Misra
17 Transformed Autoencoder: Pre-training with Mask-Free Encoder and Transformed Decoder
Yichen Zhou, Pan Zhou, Chenyang Si, Weihao Yu, Teck Khim Ng, Shuicheng YAN
18 Mugs: A Multi-Granular Self-Supervised Learning Framework
Pan Zhou, Yichen Zhou, Chenyang Si, Weihao Yu, Teck Khim Ng, Shuicheng YAN
19 Time Series Anomaly Detection using Skip-Step Contrastive Predictive Coding
Kexin Zhang, Qingsong Wen, Chaoli Zhang, Liang Sun, Yong Liu
20 Why Do Self-Supervised Models Transfer? On the Impact of Invariance on Downstream Tasks
Linus Ericsson, Henry Gouk, Timothy Hospedales
22 Contrastive Self-supervised Learning via Minimizing Distance between Cosine Similarities of Negative Pair
Seongho Jeong, Heechul Jung
24 Towards Understanding Why Mask-Reconstruction Pretraining Helps in Downstream Tasks
Jiachun Pan, Pan Zhou, Shuicheng YAN
25 Self-Guided Diffusion Models
Vincent Tao Hu, David W Zhang, Yuki M Asano, Gertjan J. Burghouts, Cees G. M. Snoek
26 DUEL: Adaptive Duplicate Elimination on Working Memory for Self-Supervised Learning
Won-Seok Choi, Dong-Sig Han, Hyundo Lee, Junseok Park, Byoung-Tak Zhang
27 Content suppresses style: dimensionality collapse in contrastive learning
Evgenia Rusak, Patrik Reizinger, Roland S. Zimmermann, Wieland Brendel
28 Coreset Sampling from Open-Set for Fine-Grained Self-Supervised Learning
Sungnyun Kim, Sangmin Bae, Se-Young Yun
30 Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation with Limited Data to Reveal Subtle Phenotypes
Anis Bourou, Auguste Genovesio
31 Joint Embedding Predictive Architectures Focus on Slow Features
Vlad Sobal, Jyothir S V, Siddhartha Jalagam, Nicolas Carion, Kyunghyun Cho, Yann LeCun
32 Positive unlabeled learning with tensor networks
Bojan Žunkovič
33 VIP: Towards Universal Visual Reward and Representation via Value-Implicit Pre-Training
Yecheng Jason Ma, Shagun Sodhani, Dinesh Jayaraman, Osbert Bastani, Vikash Kumar, Amy Zhang
34 Multimodal contrastive learning for remote sensing tasks
Umangi Jain, Alex Wilson, Varun Gulshan
35 Clinical Contrastive Learning for Biomarker Detection
Kiran Premdat Kokilepersaud, Mohit Prabhushankar, Ghassan AlRegib
36 Elastic Weight Consolidation Improves the Robustness of Self-Supervised Learning Methods under Transfer
Andrius Ovsianas, Jason Ramapuram, Dan Busbridge, Eeshan Gunesh Dhekane, Russ Webb
37 SL3D: Self-supervised-Self-labeled 3D Recognition
Fernando Julio Cendra, Lan Ma, Jiajun Shen, XIAOJUAN QI
38 Contrastive Self-supervision Defines General-Purpose Similarity Functions
Charles Guille-Escuret, Pau Rodriguez, David Vazquez, Ioannis Mitliagkas, Joao Monteiro
39 Pitfalls of Gaussians as a noise distribution in NCE
Holden Lee, Chirag Pabbaraju, Anish Prasad Sevekari, Andrej Risteski
40 Generating High Fidelity Synthetic Data via Coreset selection and Entropic Regularization
Omead Pooladzandi, Pasha Khosravi, Erik Nijkamp, Baharan Mirzasoleiman
41 A Theoretical Study of Inductive Biases in Contrastive Learning
Jeff Z. HaoChen, Tengyu Ma
42 Towards Sustainable Self-supervised Learning
Shanghua Gao, Pan Zhou, Ming-Ming Cheng, Shuicheng YAN
43 Towards Unsupervised Visual Reasoning: Do Off-The-Shelf Features Know How to Reason?
Monika Wysoczańska, Tom Monnier, Tomasz Trzcinski, David Picard
44 An eigenspace view reveals how predictor networks and stop-grads provide implicit variance regularization
Manu Srinath Halvagal, Axel Laborieux, Friedemann Zenke
45 Towards Self-Supervised Learning for Prediction of Vital Status of Colorectal Cancer Patients
Sathwik Acharya, Om Amitesh Boggaram Ravishankar, Murali Krishna Madan Rao, Girivinay Padegal, Gowri Srinivasa
46 On the Role of Nonlinearity in Training Dynamics of Contrastive Learning on One-layer Network
Yuandong Tian
47 Homomorphic Self-Supervised Learning
T. Anderson Keller, Xavier Suau, Luca Zappella
48 Leveraging the Third Dimension in Contrastive Learning
Sumukh K Aithal, Anirudh Goyal, Alex Lamb, Yoshua Bengio, Michael Curtis Mozer
49 Guiding Energy-based Models via Contrastive Latent Variables
Hankook Lee, Jongheon Jeong, Sejun Park, Jinwoo Shin
50 Understanding contrastive versus reconstructive self-supervised learning of Vision Transformers
Shashank Shekhar, Florian Bordes, Pascal Vincent, Ari S. Morcos
51 Contrastive Self-Supervised Learning for Skeleton Representations
Nico Lingg, Miguel Sarabia, Luca Zappella, Barry-John Theobald
52 Conditional Contrastive Learning for Improving Fairness in Self-Supervised Learning
Martin Q. Ma, Yao-Hung Hubert Tsai, Paul Pu Liang, Han Zhao, Kun Zhang, Ruslan Salakhutdinov, Louis-Philippe Morency
54 Improving self-supervised representation learning via sequential adversarial masking
Dylan Sam, Min Bai, Tristan James McKinney, Li Erran Li
56 When does visual self-supervision aid adversarial training in improving adversarial robustness?
Michal Kucer, Diane Oyen, Garrett T. Kenyon
57 Lovasz Theta Contrastive Learning
Georgios Smyrnis, Matt Jordan, Ananya Uppal, Giannis Daras, Alex Dimakis
58 Towards Reliable Zero Shot Classification in Self-Supervised Models with Conformal Prediction
Bhawesh Kumar, Anil Palepu, Rudraksh Tuwani, Andrew Beam
59 Same Pre-training Loss, Better Downstream: Implicit Bias Matters for Language Models
Hong Liu, Sang Michael Xie, Zhiyuan Li, Tengyu Ma
60 Feature Dropout: Revisiting the Role of Augmentations in Contrastive Learning
Alex Tamkin, Margalit Glasgow, Xiluo He, Noah Goodman
61 Understanding and Improving the Role of Projection Head in Self-Supervised Learning
Kartik Gupta, Thalaiyasingam Ajanthan, Anton van den Hengel, Stephen Gould
64 Variational Energy-Based Models: A Probabilistic Framework for Contrastive Self-Supervised Learning
Tianqi Du, Yifei Wang, Weiran Huang, Yisen Wang
65 Does Structural Attention Improve Compositional Representations in Vision-Language Models?
Rohan Pandey, Rulin Shao, Paul Pu Liang, Louis-Philippe Morency, Ruslan Salakhutdinov
66 Visual Pre-training for Navigation: What Can We Learn from Noise?
Yanwei Wang, Ching-Yun Ko, Pulkit Agrawal
67 UniCon: Unidirectional Split Learning with Contrastive Loss for Visual Question Answering
Yuwei Sun, Hideya Ochiai
68 AggNCE: Asymptotically Identifiable Contrastive Learning
Jingyi Cui, Weiran Huang, Yifei Wang, Yisen Wang
69 CASS: Cross Architectural Self-Supervision for Medical Image Analysis
Pranav Singh, Elena Sizikova, Jacopo Cirrone
70 Can we train vision and language zero-shot classification models without syntax?
Ajinkya Tejankar, Maziar Sanjabi, Bichen Wu, Madian Khabsa, Saining Xie, Hamed Pirsiavash, Hamed Firooz
72 Exploring Spurious Learning in Self-Supervised Representations
Kimia Hamidieh, Haoran Zhang, Marzyeh Ghassemi
74 TS-Rep: Self-supervised time series representation learning from robot sensor data
Pratik Somaiya, Harit Pandya, Riccardo Polvara, Marc Hanheide, Grzegorz Cielniak